Friday, 11 April 2014

KCW Days 3 & 4 - Strawberry Knits

Last night I attempted a slightly trickier pattern in my plan to tackle knits for KCW.
 It was a success!
I had the Oliver + S Hopscotch knit top pattern from last year when I made the skirt and had got the Briar Rose Knit Fabric from The Village Haberdashery in their Boxing Day sale, so so cheaply.
I managed to use my twin needle for the hemming without too much trouble and just the knit stitch and overcast stitch on my machine to assemble the top. I found a brilliant series of posts on Sewing With Knits on Kitschy Coo's blog, which help me get my head around handling it.

The Details

Oliver + S Hopscotch Knit Top size 4T (Rose is 3 and a bit, but fairly tall) in view A with short sleeves
Briar Rose Strawberry Knit in Orange - used less than half a metre
Mad Mad Briar Rose! 
I think the model may have been paid in too many chocolate biscuits, I'm sure she's trying to do the running man!!!!

Day 5 of KCW looks a lot like mum playing chauffeur for the 12 year old and hopefully cutting into this lot….
I also really need to get my FAL Q2 list done and feed some children!

kid's clothes week


  1. Any chance you could make that in a size 14?! I would totally wear it! I have to say it looks very cute on the little one though!

  2. Love it! Can the kids not feed themselves ?! ;-)

  3. What Hannah said, seriously, open the cupboards and let them forage! Love the new top and I wish I had one on my size (although I would probably look rather ridiculous!

  4. Very cute. Maybe you need to provide the choccie biccies after the photo shoot ;o)

  5. You are doing great! These strawberries are so sweet and you picked up cute pattern for them.

  6. So cute! I would love a top like that! Your model seems pretty happy with it too. Thank you for the link. I don't have a special machine with knit stitches but hoping to give it a try.

  7. Your little model obviously loves her new top.

  8. Great top Joanne, have never tried sewing knits but I would love to have a go some time. Had to laugh that feeding children was bottom of your list :)

  9. Grea top, modelled beautifully as well!

  10. so cute, especially the model :-)


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