Thursday, 30 January 2014

They are multiplying!!!

It's an illness…
26 more made, making a total of 170 Economy Blocks.
Look at those gorgeous fabrics, perfect for fussy cutting that I got from #greatukfabricdestash, so really it's not my fault I'm still making them!

Just another 26 more to make until I'll have enough, I promise! ……Well, hopefully I will be really sick of them by then!

I'm linking up with


  1. I love this block design and I love the bright colours you have used. It's going to make such a fab quilt!

  2. They are all beautiful and just perfect Fabrics! x Teje

  3. 196? FFS!!! They're pretty, but... 196?!!!!

  4. i thought you had finished - the last I read was that you only needed 3 more!!!

  5. It's official, you are obsessed! I agree with Deborah you definitely said you were finished last time !?!

  6. Looking great and getting better and better :D


I know time is precious, so thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a message xxx

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