So, I posted the picture of the cushion I made for the X-Factor Pillow swap and due to not being home in daylight I haven't been able to share a picture with you of what I received.
Well, I think I was a very very lucky swapper as I got this beauty.
It was made by the lovely Tiina, who is also the hostess of the swap and she was the receiver of my Christmas Cottage Cushion, so I feel like we had a little private swap.
The fabrics are perfect and I think are not just Christmassy, but are good all though the winter season......well thats my excuse for it to stay out longer!!!
I might add that due to the daylight this time of year my photos are not that great and I went to the brightest room we have!!
I am so pleased that I joined in with this swap, the formula is so simple. You make a cushion to the theme that is set and that you like, not for a set partner, then everyones cushions are shared anonymously and the makers get to vote the cushions in the order of their favourites. The cushion with the most votes gets the maker their first choice and works down the scores awarding cushions to everyone.
The best bit is you really don't know what you are getting in the post, as you can't guess that something has been made to your tastes, likes or dislikes.
This will probably be my last post of the year as I'm working right up until the big day, so all thats left is to say.........
....tis the season to hoot, drink wine and have fun with friends and family!!!!
And to thank Tiina once again xxx
Well, I think I was a very very lucky swapper as I got this beauty.
It was made by the lovely Tiina, who is also the hostess of the swap and she was the receiver of my Christmas Cottage Cushion, so I feel like we had a little private swap.
The fabrics are perfect and I think are not just Christmassy, but are good all though the winter season......well thats my excuse for it to stay out longer!!!
I might add that due to the daylight this time of year my photos are not that great and I went to the brightest room we have!!
I am so pleased that I joined in with this swap, the formula is so simple. You make a cushion to the theme that is set and that you like, not for a set partner, then everyones cushions are shared anonymously and the makers get to vote the cushions in the order of their favourites. The cushion with the most votes gets the maker their first choice and works down the scores awarding cushions to everyone.
The best bit is you really don't know what you are getting in the post, as you can't guess that something has been made to your tastes, likes or dislikes.
This will probably be my last post of the year as I'm working right up until the big day, so all thats left is to say.........
....tis the season to hoot, drink wine and have fun with friends and family!!!!
And to thank Tiina once again xxx
What a lovely cushion too receive Joanne. I have never come across a swap that works like that it sounds like everyone is a winner :)
ReplyDeleteYou can definitely leave this cushion out for longer than the usual Christmas decorations - my penguin cushion stays out until about the end of February...
ReplyDeleteSounds like a fun swap. The owl is adorable.
ReplyDeletehard to believe I am very happy to be joined commented here, it makes an experience for me si iom
ReplyDeletepengobatan untuk sembuhkan kanker kulit melanoma,pengobatan tradisional kanker tulang,pengobatan mata ikan tanpa operasi,bahaya kista ovarium pecah,cara mengobati nyeri punggung selama kehamilan,cara cepat menghilangkan alergi kulit,cara alami menyembuhkan mata katarak,cara menyembuhkan batuk berdarah,cara mengatasi lambung panas dan perih,cara mengobati pengapuran sendi lutut,cara mengobati diabetes melitus gestational,cara alami menurunkan sgpt dan sgot,cara menyembuhkan kanker vulva,cara alami menyembuhkan tumor rahang,obat kanker limfoma tradisional,suplemen kesehatan bagi penderita kanker payudara,cara alami menyembuhkan kista endometriosis,ganoderma plus capsule,obat penghilan selulit tradisional,pengobatan tradisional kanker paru-paru stadium 1-4,pengobatan untuk sembuhkan leukimia akut,obat pereda nyeri dan kaku di leher tradisional,obat pelancar menstruasi tidak teratur tradisional,obat tradisional penurun tekanan darah tinggi tradisional (hipertensi),obat penghilang benjolan di pergelangan tangan tradisional,cara alami menyembuhkan floaters mata,pengobatan untuk sembuhkan kanker tenggorokan,pengobatan untuk sembuhkan kencing manis,pengobatan tradisional sembuhkan tbc,obat penghilang alergi tradisional,obat penghilang kista ovarium tradisional,obat penghilang kelenjar tiroid di leher tradisional,obat pereda nyeri maag kambuh tradisional,obat pereda nyeri lutut tradisional,pengobatan tradisional retinoblastoma,cara alami menyembuhkan diabetes insipidus,pengobatan penggumpalan darah di otak,cara meredakan peradangan di telinga
I am very fond of this information thanks for sharing with us
ReplyDeletepengobatan untuk sembuhkan aterosklerosis