Friday, 29 May 2015

Scout Tee for me!

Changing of the seasons aways makes me think about what my wardrobe is lacking and as always this spring, like every spring it is seriously low in tops. Especially tops that can cross from everyday school run, to throw on a necklace and be a smart top with jeans for dinner with friends.
And as luck would have it, back on boxing day when The Village Haberdashery was having a sale I bought the Scout Tee pattern, knowing that it would be a good basic pattern to have in my handmade wardrobe armoury! But, like everything else, I didn't have the right fabric to make one straight away, so I put the pattern on the shelf and promptly forgot about it, until my Spring wardrobe strop. A quick flick through the internet and I found some pretty lawn from Simply Solids to have a go with and here it is.
I bought 1.5 metres of the lawn and as it's 150cm wide I have quite a bit left, I can see very pretty infinity scarves in my sewing future!!!
Instead of the bias binding from the same fabric I decided to go with some ready made that I had in my Box of Bias that I've hoarded from Frumble Fabrics, in a similar colour.
Ignore the very wonky stitching!!!
I chopped this all out on a Friday night, whilst waiting to go and collect the teen from a party and with Olive the Overlocker running next to my sewing machine I had the tank part of the top together in no time. Leaving the sleeves for the Saturday, I reckon I got this together in a few hours, with just the bias binding giving the only swearing moment. I chopped the shop bought one the same as the pattern size, but it was too short so I had to cut another slightly longer, don't know why!?!
And I had it on by the Sunday!

The Details
Pattern - Scout Tee by Grainline Studios size 16

I made the size 16 which was what my bust measurements fell into, but I think I could make the 14 next time as there is lots of room. The Husband might have said it's not the most flattering top and quite baggy around the middle, but I'm pleased with anything that covers my "3 pregnancy's and likes food and wine too much belly!!!" thank you very much.
Anyway, it is a massive hit to me, as I have literally washed and worn it a handful of times over the last two weeks that is has been made. It's so comfy pretty, I just need to cut out the next one.....
I can't wait to turn those hearts into a top, once half term is over and the children are back at school. 


  1. Great choice of material. It makes a simple t-shirt look very smart. I'm another one who turns left-over fabric into scarves. I have even been looking for a better way to store them in my wardrobe. I tend to forget about them if I fold them and put them away in a drawer.

  2. It's a lovely top and I'm looking forward to seeing the hearts print in use!

  3. Congrats on dusting off that pattern and whipping this top up in next to no time!

  4. I love the turquoise teamed with the orange on your material - it really pops. Your comment about the sizing made me giggle - I can so relate to that! :) The tee looks lovely on you. Best wishes, Paula x

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