Tuesday, 12 May 2015

A knit, knit, knit update

Since my sewing marathon getting the Siblings Together quilt tops assembled I've not sewed a stitch! I need to get some backing and wadding for them, which is on the list of jobs for this week. But, what I have been filling up my free time with is knitting, it's so portable and needs so much less equipment than sewing (I know I should try EPP, but I'm really slow at that!)!! And with a weekend away, with a long car journey I managed to get a few wip's nearer to completion.

I really ploughed away at my Canopy Shawl this weekend and played yarn chicken and lost massively.
I have added another repeat to the pattern and have run out of yarn with all of the applied border to go, thats 4 skeins all gone.
I'm blaming my being away with no scales, rather than my stupidity for thinking I would have enough.
So, I'll be off to Loop on Friday in the hope that they have another in the same dye batch.... cross your fingers!

Yesterday I spent a fair bit of time sewing together the Striped Sweater for Rose, it really reminded me of why I love knitting garments in the round, knitting seams are my nemesis.
It's been soaked and is now drying, I think it may be a little too big, but better that than too small, which it should be for the amount of time I've been knitting it!!

And lastly, as I was in limbo with the canopy shawl, last night I cast on another Pebble Beach Shawl. The pattern has been updated with two bigger sizes and I had enough in my stash to make the medium.
The camera is really having trouble capturing the colour of both this yarn and the purple for the canopy, but it is a really vivid orange. I gave my last Pebble Beach Shawl to my mum, so this one is earmarked for me.
So, thats what I've been up to, I've also been spending far too much time searching the internet and Pinterest for Scout Tee ideas. I've got the pattern and just need the kick to make myself one!!  


  1. Wow! You have been bssy. Bad luck about losing at yarn chicken, but hopefully you will be able to buy more.

  2. Oh, wow! Such beautiful yarny goodness. You make me want to buckle down and "just do it already!" with my own shawl. I'm not loving the construction but adore what it looks like...

  3. Oh, wow! Such beautiful yarny goodness. You make me want to buckle down and "just do it already!" with my own shawl. I'm not loving the construction but adore what it looks like...

  4. Your shawl looks wonderful, I hope you find another skein on Friday! I can't wait to see Rose in the jumper - it's gorgeous!

  5. Reading this post makes me want to dig out my knitting needles again! Hope you find that wool!

  6. Beautiful knitting. I hope you manage to get some more yarn for your shawl. If you can't get the same colour, you could knit the border in a different colour, which I think would look pretty. I too have another Pebble Beach planned; I love that pattern. Px

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