Monday, 7 December 2015

Christmas Cottage Holiday Pillow

I have been working like a madwoman and life has definitely taken a few bumpy roads over the last month, but I was determined to find some time to sew (to save my sanity!!) even if it was at midnight.
And sew I did, but it was of the secret sewing variety.............I made a pillow for the X-Factor Pillow Swap on Flickr!
This was my entry, The Christmas Cottage. I used a paper pieced pattern by Kerry from a book she contributed to called Playful Little Paper Pieced Projects. This block made me buy the book, so when I spotted that the theme for the pillow swap was Holidays, I knew just what to make.
I added two borders to the block to make it a decent size cushion cover and left quilting to a minimum.
It has a concealed zipper and very candy cane style striped binding.

 The details

Size - 20"x20"

It is a brilliant swap formula, as you only make a cushion to go with a theme, not for an actual partners likes and dislikes. So you just make what you love and hope someone else likes it.
I really love the finished cushion and hope that its new owner enjoys having it around for the festive season, as I really didn't want to part with it........ but it got posted off to is new owner this morning and I am eagerly awaiting my cushion to drop through the letter box!!  
Although, I have to say this secret sewing lark is soooooo difficult, you can send the organiser (the lovely Tiina/@Cottilello) sneak peeks, but I do love asking the whole of Instagram for advice on fabrics choices and sharing the whole process of the making and it was really tricky not to let anything slip to spoil the anonymous element of the swap!!
Remember you still have a few days left to link up your Christmas makes for Ho Ho Ho and On We Sew over here, for a chance to win some lovely Christmas fabric.  


  1. I love this cushion!! Hope life is smoother from now on xx

  2. I'd be thrilled to receive it. I love your choice of background fabric.

  3. Oh that turned out beautiful - I can't even pick a favourite part of it - the house is adorable (I have that elf print, if it's the one I'm thinking of :D) - the heart on the door is a sweet touch, love the wonky trees and the banners, the snowy background fabric, the striped binding and beautiful finishing - no wonder you want to keep it! You did good! :D

  4. It is a very pretty pillow indeed! Happy holidays!

  5. This is amazing. I would love it!!! You have a very lucky partner. x

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