Monday, 20 April 2015

Sorbet Churn Dash Update #7

While I was away on holiday I had a bit of a backlog of blocks for my Siblings Together Quilts delivered!
Starting with the lovely Maria, who is making her own quilt from the Siblings Together bee too!
 Then there were these perfect 12 blocks from Janette all the way from Germany

After that is was these 8 wonderful blocks from SewBusyLizzie
And then lastly, these amazing 30 blocks from Susan & Susan. I have been so worried that these blocks were lost in the post, as Susan had emailed me to ask if they had arrived and they hadn't.....................but they were actually safely in my neighbours house, after the postman left them in the porch and she grabbed them so they didn't go walkabout!!!
Now, I thought there was 30 blocks as that is what Susan said in her note, but I think there is 31.....unless my glass of wine with dinner brain can't count?!!?!?!?!
So that brings our total up to 113/98 so we have achieved our second quilt and might be 15 blocks into our third quilt, but if we are not getting any more block sent in then I might just make quilt 1 & 2 bigger. What do you think???
Oh, and also the lovely instigator of this project Lynne sent me these brilliant ready made binding to bind the quilts in.
As there are three sets, should I see it of a sign to continue on to No.3????


  1. These are going to be gorgeous quilts. I'd say make two so you won't have to supply so much wadding and backing. Thanks for calling me lovely, you obviously haven't met me!!!!

  2. I haven't gotten around to making my blocks yet! If you do decide on a third quilt and want some more blocks then please let me know. :0)

  3. If you go for no. 3 and need more blocks, just let me know! Those bindings are very pretty :)


I know time is precious, so thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a message xxx

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