Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Oh Christmas Eve, oh Christmas Eve......

.......I can't believe it's bloody Christmas Eve!!!!!!!!!!!
Well that big day is almost upon us, I'm just about to pack my machine away for a few days so that we can actually all sit around the table, without my poor husband trying to pass it off as a centre piece!
I have accepted that what is not got, can stay not gotten and what is not made, is staying well and truly unmade!
Although I did have a making session yesterday for a bit of selfish sewing and made myself a Festive Sock Sack.
I haven't made any socks in ages and saw that Dani from Little Bobbins was having a Christmas Eve sock cast on, so being the Sheep that I am I had to jump on board too! Baa!!
I used Michael Miller Gnomes for the outer with Clown Stripes in Fire for the casting.
Inside I used a pale blue dot from Makower, a red and pink dot for the tabs and red and white dot for the pocket,  but I used buttons instead of the snaps as I didn't have any.
With robins lining the pocket.
The pattern was so so easy and it even has video's for any tricky bits, the whole thing came together so quickly, I must say a damn lot quicker than the socks will!!!
I've bought myself a skein of Malabrigo Sock Yarn in Lettuce and caked them into two balls all ready to cast on this evening.
And if all goes to plan I should be knitting a pair of Diamond Gansey Socks, from Socks from the Toe Up, with a small glass of fizz....anything more and I will get it all wrong!!!
So, all that is left to do is mop the floors, get the children to bed and to wish all of you a very merry, fun filled and enjoyable Christmas from me and my crazy bunch!!! I
 hope you have an amazing day what ever you are doing!!! I hope you get all your wishes and a bit of crafty goodness too!!! 


  1. Merry Christmas to you and your family and what a great holiday post! Yes, what were all those projects I had going for myself before the Christmas rush came upon us? I adore the sock bag and love your choice of fabrics! I may have to do one of those for sure! Happy Holidays! I hope you get what you wish for!

    1. The gnomes are perfect (although I dearly love the runner-up reindeer!) and I'm going to check out that book! Have a very merry Christmas!

  2. I am LOVING that bag - what a great design - I would never have thought to put a zippy in like that - so cool! Love the gnome fabric - I have some myself :D What are the tabs inside for - needles or ???

  3. Well of course you needed a new bag :oD Hope it was a great day!


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